Blulink at 31.BI-MU fair in Milan

  • Categories: Fairs
  • Date: 09.10.2018
  • Location: Fiera Milano Rho
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Blulink at 31.BI-MU fair in Milan

Blulink will be together with Marposs at the italian biennial trade show for metal cutting and metal forming machine tools, robots, automation, digital manufacturing, auxiliary and enabling technologies, scheduled to take place from 9 to 13 October 2018 at Fiera Milano Rho

The only trade fair in Italy, the first to open up to the world of connectivity for the industry, presenting a special focus on the Internet of Things, Big Data, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, augmented Reality, System Integrator, Additive Manufacturing, Vision and systems control.

Already more than 850 companies that have already joined the demonstration of these, 343 are foreign and come from 24 different countries.

More than 70000 visitors are expected from all around the world.

We will wait you at PAD 9 STAND D59 of Marposs.

Thursday 11 October from 15.30 to 15.50 at Arena BI-MUpiù, PAD13 A66/B79 (fieramilano Rho), the meeting will be held by Ing. Bernhard Konzet of MARPOSS BLULINK, entitled “Dare più valore alla misura-integrazione tra metrologia e l’ecosistema informativo aziendale”