Software Exemptions and Concessions Management

Blulink Solutions By Process Quality Problem Solving Software Exemptions and Concessions Management

Software Exemptions and Concessions Management

Software Deroghe e Concessioni

The most critical tasks in the management of the relationship customer/supplier

The Management Exemptions and Concessions is one of the most critical tasks in the management of the relationship customer/supplier . Often these activities have a much wider impact and require a validation process and approval complex involving several entities in the company.

Quarta EVO Management Exemptions and Concessions allows you to manage the exceptions in all areas , starting from the supplier, through the production until it reaches the sending of the request for a derogation to the end customer . Each field can have its own separate workflow , so a different approval process for every application area.

Features and Benefits

Full integration with the other modules Quarta EVO allows all ‘ user, not only to keep track of the exemptions but also to give evidence to the operators involved in the art process status.

  • Register, trace and manage all data related to exemptions and concessions management practices;
  • Through workflow we are guaranteed the full involvement of all actors involved , and the precise control on the status and activities;
  • Integration with other processes and / or other structured documents Quarta EVO or other systems;
  • The collected data can be used to create the Performance Indicators ( KPI ), created and updated in real time;
  • Documents for the management of distinct Exceptions for Supplier , Production and Customer.