Suppliers Qualification and Board

Blulink Solutions By Process Quality Supplier Suppliers Qualification and Board

Suppliers Qualification and Board

software qualifica e albo fornitori

Software for Suppliers Qualification and Board

Quality Supplier Qualification and Board is a topic of strategic importance now for all companies. Supplies of raw materials, custom work, and semi-finished assemblies are activities that are carried out by suppliers but which need to be constantly monitored. The level of quality of our products depends also on the Quality of products from suppliers.

More and more major client standrads and regulatory standards also force the inspection and management of quality in supply, with trials and tests documented. In such circumstances, Quality Control (Testing of the inputs) to the management of abnormalities (Non-Compliance) to the Classification (Vendor Rating): an analytical approach as a winning strategy.

Features and Benefits

Operations Management Quality Control is provided in Quarta EVO through inspection cycles associated with items, Families, Providers, thus automating the quality control, Documentation and Compliance, and it also allows the possibility to vary the intensity and type of controls to be carried out in relation to historical analysis of supplier performance.

The collection of these historical data and the classification (Vendor Rating) can be made through the use of query tools (querying) and graphical representation (charting) present in our solutions or through the creation of dashboard navigation structured and “navigable” (KPIs) in a dynamic manner .

Main benefits in the management of suppliers through our solutions:

  • Manage quality control of supplies through analysis on the actual real time basis;
  • Management of On Time Delivery for feedback on the indices of service;
  • Definition of a ranking of the suppliers with defining criteria and configurable metrics or weights;
  • Closing of the loop between the ranking and the logic of Quality Control(switching rules);
  • Integration with data on costs of supply, sales and indirect costs due to anomalies;
  • Use of data relating to service providers in Purchasing Department to obtain information useful in defining the conditions of supply;
  • Distribution of data via dashboards navigable by non-IT users with scheduling or reporting institutions.