Quarta EVO System Maintenance

Blulink Solutions By Regulation AS/EN 9100 Quarta EVO System Maintenance

Quarta EVO System Maintenance

Software manutenzione impianti

The management and maintenance of the assets of a company has become imperative for the company to better govern and reduce costs.

Through an integrated tool you can plan and carry out all the activities of maintenance of the assets (equipment, facilities , etc.), which are involved in the process.

Features and Benefits

The Quarta EVO Plant Maintenance module manages the scheduling of maintenance, requests for shutdown, the supply of spare parts, the identification of internal and external resources, the recording of breakdowns, monitoring the progress of work and the related costs, and analysis of performance indicators (KPIs).

The powerful BPM engine, also allows you to define a fully configurable the “flow” of the document management and activities.

The integration with the mail system also allows for easy use of the solution: each user can be alerted or “invited” to the management of the process by a message in the mailbox and automatically open with the Quarta EVO step process suitable for part of management.

Asset master data:

  • Record Card with asset data and technical information;
  • Technical specifications of the manufacturer with attached documents, in any format ( text, drawings , photos, etc.);
  • Definition of Uses allowed for each asset;
  • Control Plans for scheduled maintenance or preventive;
  • Definition of the hierarchy and linkages, fully configurable (Headquarters , Department, Plant , Equipment, Tool , Component, etc.);
  • Plan maintenance: scheduling of shutdowns ( task management with alarms, etc..).


  • History of events for each Asset (change of components, corrections, updates, etc.).
  • Execution of planned shutdowns or extraordinary compilation of checklists for attributive controls ( control OK or not OK) or variable ( reading values );
  • Ability to perform Questionnaires ( on-time or pre-prepared ) and Audit;
  • Ability to create, as a result of the checks carried out, minutes of Non-Conformity and to define the necessary corrective and preventive action;
  • Recording and analytic classification of costs incurred for each planned shutdown or extraordinary shutdown, or for Corrective Actions.


  • Analysis of the maintenance planning done to find coverage of the needs and problems;
  • Analysis of costs;
  • Explosion / implosion of spare Components usage.
  • Integration with other processes and/or other structured documents of the Quarta EVO or other systems;
  • Integration with enterprise security standards;
  • Precise control on the status and maintenance activities;
  • Analysis of performance indicators (KPIs );
  • Recognition of both direct and indirect costs;
  • Traceability of data and information through the tree view of the parent-child links.